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已有 688 次閱讀2022-5-8 10:14 |個人分類:每日答題

【題目】 Which of the following is the amount a person would invest now to receive a greater amount in the future?

正確答案    Present value

【題目】 You are an economist for the Taipei City Subway Commission. Presently, the price of a subway ride is $80, and 250,000 seats are filled weekly. The income elasticity of demand is -0.60. If a recession lowered area incomes by 5%, how many additional seats per week would the subway need?

  正確答案  7,500 seats

【題目】Suppose the demand and supply functions for a certain goods are given
Find the total economic surplus generated at the market equilibrium

   正確答案 9.0
【題目】 When marginal profit equals zero.
  正確答案profit is maximized.

【題目】 A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories:
  正確答案  UNIX

【題目】For implicit function 2xy+ex+y -2=0 dy/dx (0,ln2)=?
答案:-1 - ln2

【題目】 Which of the following statement is normative?
答案: Higher taxes are needed to support education.

【題目】Each standard library has a corresponding:
  答案:Header file

【題目】 (甲)子夏問曰:「『巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以為絢兮。』何謂也?」子曰:「繪事後素。」曰:「禮後乎?」子曰:「起予者商也!始可與言《詩》已矣。」(乙)子夏曰:「日知其 所亡,月無忘其所能,可謂好學也已矣。」根據這兩段引文,子夏應列在孔門四科中的哪一科

【題目】 The supply curve for a good or service shows the sellers’
答案:  minimum acceptable price.

【題目】 The demand for a product tends to be inelastic if.
答案:a small proportion of consumer's income is spent on the good.

 【題目】Suppose A, B and C are three points on a linear demand as in the figure below. The comparison of price elasticities is
答案:A > B > C.

【題目】 The prisoners’ dilemma is a simple game in which:
答案:   both parties are made worse off by following their own self-interests.

【題目】 The expansion of capital that can occur in the long-run but not in the short-run, means that the long-run supply is

答案:   more elastic than the short-run supply curve.

【題目】 The demand for a product tends to be inelastic if.
答案:  a small proportion of consumer's income is spent on the good.

【題目】 The kinked demand curve model was developed to help explain.
答案:rigidities in prices in oligopolistic industries

【題目】 (In C) int x=1; if (x=2) x=3; the value of x is ____.

題目】 Which of the following statement is normative?
答案:  Higher taxes are needed to support education.

【題目】 When demand increases and supply decreases, the
 答案: equilibrium price rises, and the equilibrium quantity might increase, decrease, or remain constant.

【題目】 Suppose that the price of eggs increases from 75 cents to $1.00 per dozen and as a result a typical farmer experiences a decrease in egg sales from 300 to 200 dozen per week. Using the method of average values, the price elasticity of demand is
答案 1.4

【題目】 A multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s at Bell Laboratories:
答案  UNIX

【題目】 「微管仲,吾其被髮左衽矣。」的「微」字字義與下列何者相同?
答案    「微」夫人之力,不及此

【題目】 Apples and oranges are substitute goods. A freeze in Florida destroyed a good portion of the orange crop. Ceteris paribus, the price of
 【答案】 both apples and oranges will rise.

【題目】 A simple linear demand function may be stated as Q= a-bP+cI where Q is quantity demanded , P is the product price, and I is consumer income. To compute an appropriate value for c, we can use observed values for Q and I and then set the estimated income elasticity of demand equal to.

【題目】 Which of the following statements is true? Oligopolists :
  all of the above.






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